Petit Ange

Christian Bonnet
TV film
Durée 90 min
Écrit par Perrine Fontaine & Véronique Lecharpy

The past is not always what we think.
Somewhere on the edge of the ocean. Sumptuous white chalk cliffs overlooking a sea that is usually green or grey and rough.
Blanchefaille: A grey stone manor house, with turrets, balconies you never go out on, and windows that seem to stare out at you. In the village, it's called Le Château.
It's Sybille's family home, which she had to leave 30 years ago with her husband Renaud and 7-year-old daughter Clara. After the tragedy that shattered their family and left Sybille permanently disabled, Renaud chose to close the gate at the end of the driveway and take his family with him, without looking back.
30 years later, on the death of her father, Clara, who has recently found love in the person of Arthur, widower and father of a teenage daughter, Mia, decides to move back into the house, at the request of her mother, who wants to return home at last, with her new family.
For Clara, it's a way of reconnecting with the happiness of her childhood and with her mother, whom she hasn't seen much of in recent years. Perhaps it's also an opportunity to understand the guilt that has been eating away at her for years. But the house where her parents once took in foster children seems to be resisting her, echoing with memories of the past. What if the truth is much worse than she imagined?


Dalva Production
France Television
RTBF – Télévision belge


Anny Duperey as Sybille
Alexia Barlier as Clara
Arnaud Binard as Arthur
Daphné Girard as Mia