Under Suspicion: Uncovering the Wesphael Case

Alain Brunard
Durée 5 x 40 min
Écrit par Yann Le Gal, based on an idea by Georges Huercarno and Pascal Vrebos

This docuseries follows the high-profile case of Belgian politician Bernard Wesphael, who was accused of murdering his wife in 2013.

Bernard Wesphael, a Belgian MP with a tumultuous life and career, was arrested on the night of October 31, 2013 for the murder of his wife, Véronique Pirotton. While in custody, he underwent a real media lynching, hit rock bottom and even thought of suicide. After 10 months in prison, he was released on parole while awaiting trial in the criminal court.
This extraordinary case kept the whole country on tenterhooks for two years and made the headlines thanks to its continual twists and turns, an investigation conducted carelessly and hastily, and finally the double life of the victim, a charming, yet troubled and depressive woman.

Bernard Wesphael will go back with us on the different places where this political-judicial saga was played out. He is the only person who really knows what happened on the evening of October 31, 2013.
While Wesphael will give us his version of the facts and try to restore his image, the real challenge of the film will be to uncover the truth: is the former politician lying to us or not?


A Netflix original series

In coproduction with RTL-TVI

With the support of
Casa Kafka Pictures
Isabelle Molhant

Tax Shelter Production Manager
Marie-Antoinette Schoenmaeckers

Casa Kafka Pictures Movie Tax Shelter empowered by Belfius