Murders on the Côte Sauvage

Lorenzo Gabriele
TV film
Saison 1
Épisode 1
Durée 90 min
Écrit par Laure Duthilleul & Lorenzo Gabriele

For several days, bales of pure cocaine have been found on the Atlantic coast at low tide. That morning, the body of Lucas Lagne was found, the skipper and son of a family who owned a local shipyard. Sarah, a gendarmerie captain, is in charge of the investigation and will have to team up with Ben (from the drugs unit), who has just been called in by the public prosecutor.

Finding themselves face to face is a big surprise. 19 years ago, they lived in the same town, which Sarah fled when she was pregnant with her daughter Lina and her child's father had just died in a car accident. The child's father is none other than Ben's brother... Sarah is having trouble coping with her daughter, who is very disturbed by her lack of parenthood... and above all by the secrecy surrounding her.

The investigators make a link between Lucas's murder and the discovery of bundles of drugs. But this line of enquiry soon proves to be more complicated than it seems. The discovery of the origins of Lucas's birth in this family will unravel the case and show that violence against women and trauma leave indelible scars on their lives and those of their children...


Flach Films Production
France Télévision
RTBF (Belgian television)


Garance Thénault as Sarah
Christopher Bayemi as Ben
Julie Gayet as Emilie
Stéphane Metzger as Sylvain