
David Hourrègue
Saison 1 & 2
Durée 9 x 20 min / 13 x 20 min
Écrit par Clémence Lebatteux, Marine Josset & Fanny Talmone

The series follows the point of view of EMMA, a high school student born at the beginning of the millennium, and her friends, ALEX, IMANE, DAPHNE and MANON, in stories in which viewers of this generation - but also of others - can find themselves.

Emma and her friends are in the second year of high school. The series follows the girls as they attempt to put on the best "Baccalaureate Night" ever, and to do so, they have to start now.

You have to plan, raise money, gain popularity and influence, get into cool parties, join cool gangs of friends, make it with the "big boys" of senior year, even if it means redefining your friendships, relationships, breaking hearts, having your own broken...


Gétévé Productions
France Télévisions


Philippine Stindel
Marylin Lima
Axel Auriant
Assa Sylla